Sunday, March 2, 2014

The S/Ws   The Starr/Watras s(plural )
 Lori Watras John Watras Mel Starr Lori Starr


THIS BLOG FOLLOWS:  Click  BLOG on the homepage to get to follows
Standard email ending: Click BLOG on the homepage to get 
to   follows.
All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.
2-18-14. Re: Anyone annoyed by, trying to nullify, or criticizing the emailing......
2-18-14.There were/are no other avenues except mass emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this - after station visits, phone calls,a Circuit Court Document, an Attorney letter,etc.,etc. explanation-the S/Ws had not and were not doing anything wrong .-law enforcement and the City had not and were not doing anything wrong/ The communication was controlled by law enforcement and the City.The only avenue was mass emailing. Anyone annoyed by, trying to nullify, or criticizing the emailing needs to be professionally informed. Thank you.
Subject: 12-16-11/City Clerk Expertise/Complaint directed/copies
12-16-11/City Clerk Expertise/Complaint directed
Attention: Jennifer Oh, LHP City Clerk:
This is a complaint that Commander M.Oh and Sgt.C.Oh. falsified records, obstructed justice,and lied, among other complaints, during the LHP decade situation, to clear the S/Ws and themselves. 
These actions cost this residency a lot of time and expense 
Please report this complaint to the Mayor, City Administrator, the Chief, and the City Attorney.
If this is not the proper avenue for this complaint, please redirect.
Congratulations on the praise from the Mayor and Commissioner Gordon, -Deerfield Observer,12-15-11,.Pg.4- citing the past work at the Police Dept., Fire Dept, and the Bldg.Dept., and mentioning the rare level of expertise and all the experience with the City.
Hopefully, the record keeping at the City Clerk's Office regarding this complaint and the LHP decade situation will be better than the record keeping of Cmdr.M.Oh and Sgt.C.Oh, and this will not become a branched out continuing family problem.
Please also note that the overwhelmingly underhanded methods of law enforcement and the City regarding this decade situation have resulted in and necessitated  in many different types of attempts to counteract the problem, such as this Complaint, and many people have found themselves positioned in the middle of a big problem they did not create and in the precarious situation of cover up. Standard avenues have been blocked, manipulated, and disregarded concerning this problem by law enforcement and the City. It would have better served the Community to have straightened this matter out at the beginning.
Thank you.
12-17-11.A complaint was made regarding the police behavior and expense to the then LHP Commission President S.Gordon and to the Mayor which was redirected by Attorney M.Cirullo where it was replied to, 8-6. That paperwork was sent through the City Clerk's Office and to Chief Licata. Are copies of all that paperwork available? Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................
Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain.
This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 updates. All final editing done on the BLOG.  A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.
Subject12-19-11/LaMarca-Staff/assistance for law enfor. info.
12-19-11LaMarca-Staff/assistance for law enfor. info. 
Staff-Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca:
This is a request for assistance in directing toward an agency that will provide information on what law enforcement has done. This residency was left dangling. What is the law enfor. explanation for the LHP decade plus situation and how did the more overt harassment and stalking stop at the beginning of the tenth year before Det.L.Hawkins was to receive his Keeper Days Award?  All parties had and have been cleared to just start up again, that situation being intolerable by anyone's standards.The S/Ws would if they could and continued to taunt that they would. The harassment and stalking was intense, determined, routine, and well maintained, as was the law enfor. protection while it was being done. This residency was left dangling, probably on purpose, and probably for daring to complain about the consistent bad police work.Who or what agency helps in proving information about what law enforcement did? It is not fair that any residency has to search to obtain answers, but none of this was fair from the beginning. Thank you.
Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca:
LHP is in your District and is your Home City where you were a LHP Commissioner.
What did the Chief and the initial policy making Officers do regarding the S/W decade situation in LHP?
How did the more overt harassment and stalking stop at the beginning of the tenth year before Det./Officer L.Hawkins was to receive his Keeper Days Award?
Why was this residency left dangling?
This residency spent over $30,000.00, went through the Circuit Court system, and spent a lot of time and effort, all previously explained -see website,Blog,emails,- all while putting up with the whole thing.What happened?
Aren't  law enforcement and a City supposed to be transparent and ethical?
Why do only the inner workings of LHP and their 'friends' know what happened?
Is this any way to run a City? A very small City. It is not an overwhelming work burden to explain what happened. Thank you.
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, .................................Note: All sent emails finish with this ending or a shorter version of it. It is not necessary to print this ending over over on the Blogs after every sent email as it takes up too much space.So, the ending from the sent emails will be posted at the beginning and end of the posts. Ending: 

If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works, ................................

Note: Dates of emails are sometimes dated one day later when there are more than one on the same day to avoid confusion as they are catorized by the date and the actual sending date is always easy to obtain. This situation remains unresolved.   Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 All final editing done on the BLOG.    A newer better format for this is necessary. There are now months of sent, unposted emails.They are all available in print or email. The months of unposted sent emails, to the Broward County Commissioners, City Commissioners, reporters, newspapers, agencies,etc.,etc. ,will soon be up. Any of the just mentioned entities already have them for referral if they agree to release until then.Thank you.This ending should have also included the LHP Mayor, City Admin., Code Enfor.,and Officers,at least ten. 

Subject: Fw: Earl Maucker/ Sun Sentinel /2-23-14/ Pg.31A/'South Florida 100'/ LHP Commissioner and former editor,Sun Sentinel, Earl Maucker complains about 'vacation renting''

Re: Earl Maucker/ Sun Sentinel /2-23-14/ Pg.31A/'South Florida 100'/
 LHP Commissioner and former editor,Sun Sentinel, Earl Maucker complains about 'vacation renting'
2-24-14.It is a little too hypocritical for a LHP Commissioner to complain and give advice about this when LHP, a local municipality, enabled and protected this type of behavior to a horrifying degree and length for a permanent year long residency, not a short term vacation residency, and still tries to defend it all.
All things being normal, this is a valid point. However, coming from a Commissioner representing a City still trying to cover up and whitewash an outrageous and unethical mess it made for a decade plus, this complaint and advice are ludicrous, and not self serving as protective of self and others. In other words, clean up your own City first. And please be reminded, Broward County  Commissioner C.LaMarca campaigned on 'ethics for other people' while this was going on in his City.Thank you. Click BLOG on the homepage to get 
to   follows.
All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.

Subject: Fw: 2-24-14Lying and misrepresenting the facts to new people/Expense policeand City fault
Please forward to LHP Commissioner and Incoming Mayor G Troast.Thank you.2-24-14.Re: Lying and misrepresenting the facts to new people.
2-24-14.Please be reminded, this residency expects reimbursement and damages.
No one can live with being screamed at and threatened over 8 hours a day as routine along with the banging,blasting, etc.,etc.
And from the very beginning,Dec.99, all those the cops made sure this residency had to.
The S/Ws'  plan for driving us out.The S/Ws were always smarter than the police and the City.
See Website with Audio
As stated from the beginning the extent of the harassment and stalking was directly related to police policy.
As stated from the beginning, this was police protected stalking and harassment.
Approx. a handful of dumb devious Officers  made up the policies, astounding everyone.
Then, the City protected the Officers. 
The expense trying to stop all that was caused by the police and the City.This can't be argued.
There aren't any arguable excuses for this mess except, "We do what we want! Don't tell us what to do!"
Someone ought to start telling the LHP Commissioner and Incoming Mayor what really happened before he says and does the wrong things. 
However, lying and misrepresenting the facts to new people has been the standard. Back then no one expected the internet to immerge. It did.  To be cont. Click BLOG on the homepage to get 
to   follows.
All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
2-23-14.New Blog
There will be a third Blog coming soon and this one will be done correctly with the latest newest posting being the most current one, instead of the other way around.All computer knowledge came about as a result of this City and police stalking and harassing mess, and was done quickly because this residency needed help from anywhere so badly. It is amazing how this residency probably would not have been involved with any inner workings of the City if this situation had been handled correctly at the very beginning, instead of approx.a handful of dumb devious cops covering and enabling the S/Ws and playing up to their Attorney.When someone is screaming at you, threatening, banging, lying, and blasting etc.,etc., for hours every day as routine, while trespassing, you really expect cops to stop it, and this residency and the neighboring residencies did expect that in the beginning months, especially after the years of the  S/Ws' behavior before targeting.
The S/Ws were always smarter than the police and the City. It is not known by this residency what the S/Ws are doing or if the three of them are together reinforcing each other. And they do need cop protection to really act up and they probably aren't getting that anywhere else. Click BLOG on the homepage to get 
to   follows.
All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
2-26-14.Mad about comments. 
If anyone one is mad about the comments, please be reminded, being mad and wrong about the situation don't help the situation. Now, what is the problem, the really big problem, that caused all this in the first place?And, is there any residency that wouldn't complain? Click BLOG on the homepage to get 
to   follows.
All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
Click on 'Older Post' below-right to get into newer postings on 
That Blog got a little clogged up.Thank you.

2-27-14.Re: The Troast Inquiry
2-27-14 LHP Commissioner and Incoming Mayor G.Troast,
While campaigning for your LHP Commissioner seat, you said you inquired about this situation.
What was said and by whom? 
What is the waiting period for a reply?
Hopefully the upcoming mayoral years/Head Administrative years will have more transparency instead of a cover up shut out which didn't and won't work.
Thank you and Good Luck with all your endeavors during this period.
Note:There were no normal channels or avenues during the past years. Wide audience emailing became the only source for needed help.The normal avenues were of course enforced when the City wanted something. See emails regarding the fence fiasco, after over $30,000.00 spent and a disregarded Broward County Circuit Court Case.Emails can be resent or reposted. Click BLOG on the homepage to get 
to   follows.
All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify ,blame.or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.
2-27-14.There has been no reply from City Atty. M.Cirullo regarding the decade plus mess.What laws were law enforcement and the City using regarding the S/Ws? This is not a hard question.There should be legal transparency.
Note:The concept that the police do not have to help does not apply when the police are simultaneously enabling and protecting one party.
2-27-14.New Tradition/ Perhaps as a New Tradition in a New Administration, once a week everyone in LHP should listen to some part of the Audio for 8 hrs. nonstop.  Click audio.   Remember, there was no way to stop it. It's important to pay homage and respect to the situation law enforcement and the City spent so much time enabling. It's not as if anyone would have to listen to if everyday as regular routine.Thank you.  
2-27-14.Re:Third World cop mentality 
A high end City should not have a Third World cop mentality,even to keep down costs. Then residents have to pay to clean up any problems.This residency had to pay a lot. Perhaps, you've heard about it. Click BLOG on the homepage to get 

to   follows.
All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.

Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame.or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't.
2-28-14.Re: 'Instant Experts'
2-28-14.Instead of being so angry at the complaining residency, did anyone, new or newer to this ,ever ask the few cops who started this, made up the policies, and controlled this, why they did all that. And why are they still working? The first five and a half years was were outrageously horrific and the following years were not tolerable by anyone's standards.
What laws were they using? Who are they saying they were answering to? The S/Ws were really conniving and out of control and so were their cops. And so were the cover ups.With so many 'instant experts' giving opinions, who's checking for facts? This situation remains unresolved.The emails on the Blogs are available for resending and reposting.They can be sorted for each incident involving cop activity enabling, protecting, clearing, and harassing for the S/Ws. Click BLOG on the homepage to get 
to   follows.
All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify ,blame.or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work .