Sunday, March 2, 2014

Re: 3-19-14/No Replies/ Answers from Lavisky,Troast,LaMarca,
3-19-14, There have been no replies or answers from City Administrator J.Lavisky, Incoming Mayor G.Troast and of course none from Broward County Commissioner C.LaMarca, regarding the questions below and many other already asked questions. Note:J.Krutek who lives across the street helped start C.Lamarca's political campaign, LHP Commissioner, when the decade plus situation was at its loudest and most horrific. J.Krutek seems to always have been around the inner workings of LHP. He should never have been in any way influential in a situation of such major and expensive consequence to this residency.See emails regarding the Krutek handlings with this residency and the decade plus mess.They can be resent or reblogged.
Where are the replies answers and explanations?
There were no normal avenues for this residency. See BLOGS for this residency's thwarted attempts at trying to get help.
If the City still seems to expect normal avenues for itself, what are they?
Bluntly speaking, there are no residencies in any City that would not be complaining about law enforcement and a City harassing their residency on behalf of and for the S/Ws, while protecting, enabling, and covering up for the S/Ws. Bluntly speaking, well, maybe some LHP Groupies.
The whole thing defies any common sense and displays juvenile belligerency.That pattern continued.
And again,where are the replies answers and explanations? 
Standard necessary ending: Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify, blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.
3-16-14.Re: Email 3-15-14/Two questions/Troast/Buskirk
Mr.Lavisky, LHP City Administrator,
It's time for some answers.
You would be asking if this happened to you and your residency.
You would not be the least bit happy about putting up with all that, while paying so much and spending so much time trying to stop it all,while listening to the slandering cover up lies.The Chief got paid enough to do standard law enforcement work. Who was he listening to? Thank you.To be cont.: Click BLOG on the homepage to get 
 followed by  -new blog-  sometimes won't show p 
All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify ,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work 
Phone call Mr. Lavisky 3-16-14
Re:3-15-14/Two questions
3-15-14.Incoming Mayor G.Troast,Incoming Commissioner K.V.Buskirk
This residency was left dangling, while the S/Ws were here and after they moved.It appears that law enforcement and the City kept this residency dangling as leverage and method.The excuse/explanation that there was nothing wrong or going on and that the S/Ws had not and were not doing anything wrong does not suffice.
(1)What laws were law enforcement and the City using to enable, protect, backup, and cover up for the S/Ws?
The duration and level of the stalking and harassment are particularly unnerving.- years of their behavior since they moved in and a decade plus of targeted stalking and harassment
(2)What happened during then last two years the S/Ws were here when the overt and worst stalking and harassment seemed to subside considerably, although the S/Ws, still as routine, complained and threatened to start up, just by seeing us in this backyard.
There are a lot of unanswered questions. Any residency would be complaining and inquiring.
These are questions any residency would be asking.Thank you. To be cont.: Click BLOG on the homepage to get 
 followed by       
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the 
ninth year of all this, the only thing that 
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify ,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work .3-19-14. Bad Idea.
3-19-14.It was and is a bad idea to try to ruin this residency's reputation to try to cover up this mess or to continue this mess.This residency has been here longer than the players in this mess.Go back to the beginning and see who was saying what. Again, bad idea.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.

3-23-14.Mayor G.Troast, Mr.J. Lavisky,
Subject: 3-23-14/ THREE QUESTIONS EMAILED AND BLOGGED/ Re:One hypothesis for the last two years
3-23-14 Re:One hypothesis for the last two years -ADDED:before the S/Ws moved
3-23-14.One hypothesis is that law enforcement and the City used Circuit Court Document 01-011629 (4), which had been thwarted and disregarded for any help for us, and was finally used after over 4 years of being active and usable, to subdue the more overt patterns of the S/Ws in the last 2 years, the threat being that the City and law enforcement would act on it.
The Violations had been there immediately since it was instated.
Of course this residency had footed that bill for the Document, over $30,000.00 paid up front, the situation made10 times worse and more expensive because law enforcement and the City enabled, protected and cleared the S/Ws for all those years, the time length and level of activity horrific and intolerable by anyone's standards. 
There was another $1,500.00 fee when the Attorney contacted the Mayor and other Officials over the law enforcement behavior and the expense for this residency. At that time this residency was only asking for reimbursement.That contact was smacked down, one hypothesis, by corporate prank thinking, 'We can say anything.They can't fight back'. Whatever the reasoning,- 'We really think this way or we can just say this.', it is legal record of in your face reply.
Back to the hypothesis of the last two years :  
This residency was left dangling, probably as mechanism and leverage, as it had been the entire time.The Document was disregarded and thwarted when this residency really needed it badly and really needed it to be enforced, the purpose of it being to finally stop and prevent the S/Ws.
The more overt behavior of the S/Ws was subdued the last 2 years before they moved, but they were not accepting of that. The mindset didn't change, and the threats and taunts that they would just start up again especially if they say anyone on the property, Andy working on the pool,etc., continued even as they were moving.
The Document this residency paid for was not used to help this residency, It may have been used to subdue the S/Ws in the last 2 years, but no Violations were acted upon in the years before and during the last two years, so S/Ws were cleared and covered up.
Leaving this residency dangling that the S/Ws could just start up again at any time is good payback and leverage. 
Hypothesis.The City and law enforcement found a way to get what they wanted with something this residency paid for. Gee, what a surprise. When devious stupid people plot, it takes a long time to figure out their thinking and it is a waste of time because it is knowledge that can't be applied anywhere else because it is so stupid. However, it has to be done as protection and defense as this has been/is a very,very dirty City and law enforcement endeavor which needed to be controlled from outside the City.
Standard email ending:  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.
Re:3-15-14/Two questions 3-15-14.Incoming Mayor G.Troast,Incoming Commissioner K.V.BuskirkThis residency was left dangling, while the S/Ws were here and after they moved.It appears that law enforcement and the City kept this residency dangling as leverage and method.The excuse/explanation that there was nothing wrong or going on and that the S/Ws had not and were not doing anything wrong does not suffice.
(1)What laws were law enforcement and the City using to enable, protect, backup, and cover up for the S/Ws?
The duration and level of the stalking and harassment are particularly unnerving.- years of their behavior since they moved in and a decade plus of targeted stalking ande harassment
(2)What happened during then last two years the S/Ws were here when the overt and worst stalking and harassment seemed to subside considerably, although the S/Ws, still as routine, complained and threatened to start up, just by seeing us in this backyard.
There are a lot of unanswered questions. Any residency would be complaining and inquiring.
These are questions any residency would be asking.Thank you. To be cont.
3-21-14.Re:Still Unanswered/Licata 3-21-14.Incoming Mayor G Troast, Mr.J.Lavisky, These questions haven't been answered.Also why was Circuit Court Document 01-011629 (4) disregarded by the City. This was meant to discontinue all this from happening by all parties, the S/Ws, law enforcement, and City.The people who sanctioned and continued this did not have to hear or see all this all day.
Standard email ending:  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.