THE POLICE DO NOT HAVE TO PROTECT YOU - July 17,2014,Atty. L.Reynolds, Attorney for Lighthouse Point,Fl.
Lyman H.Reynolds Jr. ESQ of Roberts,Reynolds, Bedard, and Tuzzio,PLLC, argues that the police do not have to protect you.
Lighthouse Point, Fl.:Mayor G.Troast, City Administrator J.Lavisky, Chief Ross Licata, City Atty.M Cirullo, City Clerk J.Oh
note:Most questions which will probably be asked are already in emails and blogged
Belligerent, juvenile, persistent,chronic,unethical, illegal harassment by law enforcement and the City while this residency was enduring textbook sociopathic harassment and stalking by the S/Ws
The whole thing was a waste of life.
Re:3540 N.E.28 Ave.-Targets of intense targeted stalking and harassment/ Needed assistance denied
Re:3540 N.E.28 Ave. -Most harassing police visits in LHP history
Re:2830 N.E.35 Ct. -Most requests for police assistance in LHP history, Dec.99-Dec.2011,-obvious fabrications and lies
Belligerent, juvenile, persistent,chronic,unethical, illegal harassment by law enforcement and the City while this residency was enduring textbook sociopathic harassment and stalking by the S/Ws
The whole thing was a waste of life.
4-29-14.Basically, this decade plus of harassment and stalking was evil, sociopathic, and criminal. Note:Some prefer the spelling to be psychopathic, sociopath being the noun
(1)What laws were law enforcement and the City using to enable, backup,protect, and clear the S/Ws for a decade plus? Targeted harassment and stalking:Nov.1999 through Jan. 2012/house sale final early Jan.
(2)Why was the Settlement Agreement, a Circuit Court Document, thwarted and disregarded by law enforcement and the City?The S/Ws violated every part of that and gloated and taunted that they could and would.That was in effect until they moved.
(3)What happened in the last two years before the S/Ws moved when the more overt harassment and stalking was subdued?The S/Ws' mindset was as belligerent and determined as ever and they continually taunted and threatened they would start up again.
(4)Why as this residency kept dangling?There were no standard avenues of communication.The, 'The S/Ws had not and were not doing anything wrong. And,- nothing wrong had or was happening.',-does not suffice.
(5)What are law enforcement and the City saying this residency did wrong in the decade past?
(6)Where are the proper and viable records regarding the decade plus situation?At least 25 packets were mailed out to Officers-approx.10-, City workers,and members which included the Settlement Agreement, trying to get some assistance with that, during the ninth year- check dates-
(7)What was up with the wacky police policies? See email 4-10-14below/LHPPROBLEM2
(8) What was the problem with police reports? See email 4-10-14below/LHPPROBLEM2
4-10-14.Mayor G.Troast, Mr.J Lavisky,
After looking analytically at everything,from the beginning, the S/Ws were dictating to the police and the City all those wacky policies enabling them to pound this residency with no way out for this residency.
-That 'staring is stalking' policy so the S/Ws could scream at, threaten,trespass,bang, blast,taunt, etc. for hours, but if this residency looked at them, they could call for their patrol cars. The S/Ws used that until they moved, used as method and as their excuse for what they were doing. No residency could stand to to that. Even after the house was sold, Mr.Starr came back and sat in the backyard with the new owner and loudly said so I could hear when I went into this backyard that, 'to be careful because Gail will come out and look at you', almost gloating that they had gotten away with that as excuse for all those years.
-And - the 'in the past' thing, excusing everything the the S/Ws did, right after they did it, which was already ready to be used for anything coming up they did. No residency could stand to to that.
The S/Ws also wanted and demanded police reports for any wacky thing they thought up so they could take them places to further bother this residency and anyone here. I had to really complain and complain about that. HOWEVER, that was not the same when this residency wanted police reports before and definitely for the necessary work for the Injunction process. There was not one to be had all the way up until they moved, the end of Dec.2011, technically the beginning of Jan. 2012.The S/Ws violated every part of that Document.
There are many, many more issues. See
Basically law enforcement and the City enabled, protected, and covered for the S/Ws while the S/Ws gloated they would.The S/Ws were always smarter than law enforcement and the City.
-That 'the S/Ws had not and were not doing anything wrong' and 'nothing wrong had or was happening' as explanation was law enforcement and City thought up to cover up the mess law enforcement and City made and belligerently continued. Again, the S/Ws benefited and gloated.
Someone outside this City from a small City suggested that sometimes the police will do as little as possible or just what they needed to.That was not the case here as the police ran around in circles for years servicing the S/Ws, at taxpayers expense. So did the City.
This residency has viable complaints, to say the least.To be cont.
STANDARD EMAIL ENDING: Click BLOG on the homepage to get to follows follows
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.
This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.
4-29-14.Basically, this decade plus of harassment and stalking was evil, sociopathic, and criminal. Note:Some prefer the spelling to be psychopathic, sociopath being the noun.
It was planned, systematically controlled and released, patterned,and maneuvered.
It was also unrelenting in drive and persistence. It was a lifestyle regular regime.
Anyone unfortunately suffering from a debilitating mental illness or chemical imbalance, such as bipolar, schizophrenia, border line personality disorder, etc., would not have the substance, stamina, or clarity to remember, maneuver, or add to that continual patterned behavior.
The harassment and stalking switched around from from screaming, threatening and taunting, banging,blasting, screech singing,etc.,etc., according to what would have the best effect, for their convenience and as to the environment. The S/Ws knew when it was way over the top even for them with their police and City protection and would change from screaming and banging, to blasting, to taunting and threatening,etc., sometimes using three or four techniques in the same day.
The S/Ws also demanded and and got their police patrol visits to harass this residency on their behalf with whatever they decided to think up, and taunted and threatened they could and would.
The S/Ws did have unethical and illegal police and City protection.
The S/Ws actions were criminal.
So were as the activities of the police and the City, enabling, protecting, and covering up for them and for themselves.
This was the perfect storm.- The SWs and this City. Textbook harassment and stalking.
Sociopaths in control of law enforcement and a City.The S/Ws telling the police and the City what to do and what they wanted. And an atmosphere of juvenile, belligerent enabling, protecting, and covering up. To Be cont.
Belligerent, juvenile, persistent,chronic,unethical, illegal harassment by law enforcement and the City while this residency was enduring textbook sociopathic harassment and stalking by the S/Ws
The whole thing was a waste of life.
Re:3540 N.E.28 Ave.-Targets of intense targeted stalking and harassment/ Needed assistance denied
Re:3540 N.E.28 Ave. -Most harassing police visits in LHP history
Re:3540 N.E.28 Ave. -Most harassing police visits in LHP history
Re:2830 N.E.35 Ct. -Most requests for police assistance in LHP history, Dec.99-Dec.2011,-obvious fabrications and lies
4-29-14.Basically, this decade plus of harassment and stalking was evil, sociopathic, and criminal.
Note:Some prefer the spelling to be psychopathic, sociopath being the noun.Note:Some prefer the adjective spelling to be psychopathic
Re:3540 N.E.28 Ave.-Targets of intense targeted stalking and harassment/ Needed assistance denied Re:3540 N.E.28 Ave. -Most harassing police visits in LHP history
Re:2830 N.E.35 Ct. -Most requests for police assistance in LHP history, Dec.99-Dec.2011,-obvious fabrications and lies
Belligerent, juvenile, persistent,chronic,unethical, illegal harassment by law enforcement and the City while this residency was enduring textbook sociopathic harassment and stalking by the S/Ws
The whole thing was a waste of life.
5-4-14.Afternoon.Jack Krutek pulls his truck into the new neighbor's driveway,assists him, and talks to another neighbor walking by.Conversation not clearly audible. I was home alone and did not go out there.
If Jack Krutek is still miffed about the complaining about his meddling in the LHP decade plus mess,perhaps someone should tell him that, from the very beginning, way way back at the very beginning,he should have done the right thing or just minded his business. -instead of the 'whatever' relationship with the S/Ws, the police, and the City, while immediately snubbing this residency when targeted.
Anyone still justifying the weight of the Krutek 'whatever' , should just play the initial tapes, think about that right next door to them, and ask themselves whom they would really want involved.
It is still not clear how the Krutek influence became greater than his residency's, a residency that was doing everything possible and paying to try to stop all that while putting up with all that as routine.It was pretty nauseating to find out how much involvement there was and with the inner workings of the City. With Mr. Krutek's continuing 'attitude, I have stated that Mr.Krutek was not smart enough to be involved in anything of such major consequence to this residency.From the very beginning, there have been major players in this mess.The question still remains about the substance of a City that let all this happen.
The question still remains about the substance of a City that enables, protects, and tries to cover up all this.
5-6-14/Legal Questions / TOO MUCH WORK!
Listen to the tapes.What the S/Ws were screaming at us and anyone on this property and accusing was in substance and basically their own autobiography
The S/Ws had it both ways, in this City- using that excuse to cover their tracks and to try stay out of trouble for what they were doing, and then not having that problem to appear more credible to present their defense. There is something remiss with law enforcement and a City that lets all that happen and then enables, protects, and tries to cover it all up, and then tries to cover up themselves..
The initial Officers were inexplicably and dumb and devious. After approx. 5 months,check dates, of all that horrific ruckus, when all the neighbors were calling in and there as no excuse, there was one disorderly. The S/Ws were furious that happened to one of them and they came back fiercer than ever, and hired Yates.It seems the initial Officers were more impressed with him that the plight of this residency.He does razzle dazzle, instead of substance. At that time this residency did not have an attorney.This residency and all the neighbors only had local law enforcement. From then on, as from the beginning, the S/Ws were enabled , and protected and cleared by bizarre police policies which they dictated themselves. No one could stop them See emails and Blogs.Who was running the City besides the S/Ws and their cops?
Note:That one disorderly came approx.5 months into the horrific targeted harassment and stalking against this residency along with their routine horrific family fights. Those routine screaming, banging,etc.,family fights, as pattern as to how they related to each, went on for years before this residency was targeted.This was witnessed by many, all already listed, and all still working for LHP or in the inner circle of LHP.List can be reprinted, re-emailed, or re-blogged.
Unfortunately,this residency had a common property line with them and the S/Ws had just taken the path between the garages and used it as theirs to enter and exit their backyard while screaming and banging as routine,fighting with each other for years before they targeted this residency.It took years, into sixth year after the targeted harassment and stalking started, to get that property back. See emails. Even after that strict Injunction with strict ramifications was instated , the S/Ws still trespassed and targeted this residency there as well as fighting with each other there.The S/Ws were furious when a fence, with all proper code requirements, plastic so they couldn't bang on it, was put up to keep them out. There were more than 4 patrol car visits against us called in by them because they didn't want that fence. They said they couldn't get in and out because they had 5 feet of bushes on their property and they would have to take them down to squeeze in and out there.Even though I showed the Settlement Agreement papers, law enforcement and the City would not do anything to stop the trespassing and harassing there. The settlement agreement was thwarted and disregarded. The S/Ws violated every part of it, enabled, protected,and cleared by law enforcement and the City.This residency was stuck talking to the Chief who did the same.
There is a lot more, a lot more.See blogs.
In the beginning of the ninth year, the wide audience emailing was started to again try to get help from anywhere. See
Some witnesses to the S/Ws behavior since the S/Ws moved in approx 1992, and before they targeted this residency.The Kruteks-neighbors/ now Commander M.Oh and now Sgt. C.Oh /the Thompsons -neighbors- C.O.P./ Jennifer Oh- now City Clerk-married to C.Oh and the Thompsons' daughter/ the Silvers- neighbors moved in about 3 months before the target harassment started............... to be cont. Det/.Officer L.Hawkins witnessed after the targeted harassment started. To be cont.
Re:5-6-14 Legal Questions/ TOO MUCH WORK!
STANDARD EMAIL ENDING: Click BLOG on the homepage to get to follows follows
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.
This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.
This residency has retained a Law Firm regarding the Lighthouse Point City and law enforcement issues.As interest and curiosity grew during all the years of all this,a Website with Audio and three Blogs were posted.The above Blog,, will be posted with all the details of the Lighthouse Point responses. Thank you.
Although LHP law enforcement and the City thwarted and disregarded the Settlement Agreement concerning the Violations, the S/Ws are still liable for the Violations they committed while living in LHP. The S/Ws violated every part of the Settlement Agreement while they taunted and threatened they could, would, and did, and gloated and bragged about it, as they did with the whole situation from the beginning. None of this should have happened. One of the S/Ws' biggest concerns was being asked if they Violated during a police investigation which would result in a police report, as lying on a police report was a Violation. LHP Law enforcement and the City kept them out of that situation. Note: Standard issues such as trespassing and harassing, harassing, threatening, blasting, etc., are Violations and there were many complaints about all that which would be asked in a standard investigation.
It is unclear what type of defense the S/Ws will be able to use. Invincible in LHP does not mean invincible anywhere else. Gloating about police and City protection while doing all that is especially grating.
See Blogs.Thank you. Click BLOG on the homepage to get to follows follows
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.
This residency had and will have will its own history and will not be permanently and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.
Blogged on -last page,last item5-22-14Re: Money Pit.
Mr.Lavisky,LHP City Administrator,
LHP Mayor G.Troast,
Please be reminded, After this residency had already spent over $30,000.00 trying to stop the S/Ws, while law enforcement and the City assisted the S/Ws in pounding this residency, this residency was fined $500.00 by Code Enforcement.Trying to stop the S/Ws was one big money pit, as was just stated, law enforcement and the City assisted the S/Ws in pounding this residency. The Appeals process for the Fine would't have worked. At the Code Hearing, when I asked if that Fine could be appealed, we were promptly escorted out by Officer Laura Tyler. I told her that that was unnecessary and embarrassing and I was going to complain to the Chief.She just smirked .As it turned out the three of them, the Chief, Laura, and Toni had many conversations to try to stifle the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this and of course to try to stifle this residency.
Trying to stifle any residency treated this badly would never work.
See all the emails and Blogs regarding the expense incurred by the unethical and illegal law enforcement and City activities in the links below.
This posting will of course be ineffective as far as results. However, my carrier set up a new format, which I don't like, and I am practicing getting used to it as I have been known to use the emailing process and will continue to do so.. Click BLOG on the homepage to get to