3-20-14 THROUGH 4-15-14 Lori Watras Lori Starr John Watras Mel Starr
are The S/Ws The Starr/Watras s(plural )
4-8-14 through 4-10-14 /4-8-14.Re: proper,viable, sufficient records /4-8-14.Re:Enabling,expensive intrusion /Re:4-6-14.Mayor G.Troast/PayingAttention /4-10-14 Re:The S/Ws' dictating to the police and the City
standard email ending:
4-8-14 through 4-10-14 /4-8-14.Re: proper,viable, sufficient records /4-8-14.Re:Enabling,expensive intrusion /Re:4-6-14.Mayor G.Troast/PayingAttention /4-10-14 Re:The S/Ws' dictating to the police and the City
The S/Ws are the Starr/Watrases Lori Watras,John Watras,Lori Starr,Mel Starr
LHP Mayor G.Troast/ LHP City Admin.Mr. J Lavisky/LHP Chief R.Licata standard email ending:
www.lighthousepointflorida.net/ Click BLOG on the homepage to get to www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com
www.LHPmess.blogspot.com follows
www.lhpproblem2.blogspot.com follows
Standard email ending:
www.lhpproblem2.blogspot.com follows
Audio Files - lighthousepointflorida.net | Neighbor ...
Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court
Please note: The MP3 audio files below contain obscene and disturbing content. If this type of ... police.lori backyard,fence,bangs fence,yells,lies; typical family
Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court
.All final,editing done on the Blog. All emails'standard ending:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the
ninth year of all this, the only thing that
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify, blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work .
ninth year of all this, the only thing that
worked/works...............................This situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify, blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work .
Audio Files - lighthousepointflorida.net | Neighbor ...
Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court
Please note: The MP3 audio files below contain obscene and disturbing content. If this type of ... police.lori backyard,fence,bangs fence,yells,lies; typical family
Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court
http://www.lighthousepointflorida.net. CLICK AUDIO -WRITTEN
Correction-written- needed:5-24-04 See posted email posted again below/audio web
Note: 6-14-04 is typical but by far not the worst.
8-30-10.the 5-25-04 Audio Website Segment: The description is wrong.The correct description follows below.I didn't have a whole lot of internet savvy when the website was put up.This was a big endeavor with all the audio which had to be changed from cassettes which were too cumbersome and outdated to use for help. I never went into the website after it was put up so as not to disturb anything, not even for the grammatical mistakes on the written part which was written at the beginning of all this.
Every now and then, the audio website is relistened to for referrals,dates, etc.,made on the emails and Blog, which is uncomfortable to say the least and avoided whenever possible.What was anyone thinking to continue,protect, and clear all this?
Particularly unnerving is rehearing the 5-25-04 segment, six and 1/2 years into the targeted harassment and stalking, when Lori confidently taunts, 'screech sings' and taunts while 'screech singing' right up to this interior backyard six ft. shadowbox fence, 8 ft. off the pool, for hours.
5-25-04: 5-25 family fight/ 5-27 taunts and' screech singing'/ 5-17 taunts and lies/ 5-05 family fight/ 5-14,17 taunts while 'screech singing'/ There is more of this on the other segments
By that time,I had two cassette recorders ready to use, as the antics were front yard, backyard, and between the garages, so when the dates,segments were put on one tape, they were not always put in order. There was a lot of stress while this was being done.
I think that was the year, check date, that Det.Larry Hawkins and Sgt.C.Oh got joint 'Ofcs.of the Year Awards' for setting up C.O.P., with of course good PR.
'If anyone is still trying to defend the decade', think if you would want to put up with this/above for years along with everything else. cc: Web,Blog. All final editing done on the Blog.
www.lighthousepointflorida.net/ Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10 updates/to get into www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com
3-25-14The SWs moved at the end of Dec.2011, actual closing date, Jan.2012, and they kept it up even while packing and moving.It was a major concern to this residency that the S/Ws would keep it up,calling into LHP from outside the City to use the LHP police to harass us more.The S/Ws police assistance and cooperation was always acute and quick.Mr.Starr had bought in Century Village which was close proximity, but Lori and John has gone to N.J., so maybe divided up they wouldn't be so powerful. It does not seem now that they will be harassing this residency with their police from outside this City. If they did, it would immediately be emailed and blogged throughout this County. That was the only effective way, started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this to try to get help from anywhere, but who wants to always have to live that way. It now seems that the leverage of the S/Ws harassing from outside this City is gone, which is hefty leverage.
The Document was in effect as long as the S/Ws lived next door.They violated every part of it, and gloated and taunted that they could, would, and did. Once they moved, it was no longer in effect. They left covered and cleared, getting away with everything. It has never been explained why that Document was thwarted and disregarded by law enforcement and the City.Along with all the rest.
There have been numerous attempts at answers for all this.The City and law enforcement seem committed to cover ups and avoidance.It doesn't seem plausible to keep trying to do this alone.It has always been said and advised by many that a Civil Suit was the only solution with a problem this lengthy and intense.To be cont.:
www.lighthousepointflorida.net Click BLOG on the homepage to get to
www.LHPmess.blogspot.com follows
www.LHPproblem2.blogspot.com follows
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work
3-29-14.Re:Lt.Jack Vacarro, PIO, LHPPD/ The Deerfield Observer/3-27-2014/ pg.5/ 'Be vigilant, report suspicious activity!'
Isn't there anyone else to do LHP press?It is important that someone credible does LHP press.
The LHP decade plus situation. Recurring complaint. It has long been complained stated that this situation was caused by devious, dumb cops who enabled, protected, backed up, and covered up for the S/Ws , and made up weird policies.The way new officers were trained regarding this was really complained about. Basically misinformation and lying.
Lt.J.Vacarro's input into this mess really made this residency miserable.
Just ask him what happened.
Again, It is important that someone credible does LHP press.Thank you.
Note:In spite of the fact that there was a viable crime issue this week which the Chief can and will live off forever, it is still to permissible and necessary to complain about factors in a decade plus mess in which no viable solution was used, to say the least. Thank you.
www.lighthousepointflorida.net Click BLOG on the homepage to get to
www.LHPmess.blogspot.com follows
www.LHPproblem2.blogspot.com follows
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work
This residency had and will have its own history and will not be permanently and negatively defined by the S/Ws cop years by people trying to clear themselves. LHP will be defined this way.
9-27-12.Re :Deerfield Observer/Pg 5 /9-27-12/LHP Recognizes Lt.Vaccaro
As new PIO.for the LHPPD, it is hoped that Lt.Vaccaro has learned the difference between facts and lying and misinformation..
As an active participant in the LHP decade mess, particularly during the formative first horrific five and one half years, lying and misinformation were the unstoppable norm.What is LHP's statement on this situation now and how would Lt.Vaccaro present it having participated in it?
Please be reminded, the decade situation cost this residency a lot of money,time,and work.The situation remains unresolved. Slander trying to cover up the mess the City made out of this is not the workable solution for the City.See Web and Blogs for previous complaints.
Thank you.To be continued:
If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked/works,................................This situation remains unresolved. www.lighthousepointflorida.net/ Click BLOG on the homepage for the 08,09,10,11 sent emails updates in www.aseahorse1.blogspot.com/