Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lori Starr Audio Website  Lori Watras Audio Website  John Watras Mel Starr S/Ws Audio Website  click audio -CORRECTION:


Audio Files - | Neighbor ...

Audio Files - | Neighbor ...
Please note: The MP3 audio files below contain obscene and disturbing content. If this type of ... police.lori backyard,fence,bangs fence,yells,lies; typical family

Note:This is just the first 5and1/2 years of tapes as were submitted for Court

Correction Needed:Audio Website Written/ 5-24-04 See posted email below  
Note: 6-14-04 is typical but by far not the worst.

8-30-10.The 5-25-04 Audio Website Segment
The 5-25-04 Audio. If there is any confusion over the sociopathic description, listen to Lori talking and taunting.the screaming, banging, blasting, etc., was intolerable, but this part also was intolerable.It's important that this part of the harassment is noticed and listened to as it is part of the total situation of what was being dealt with. 

.8-30-10.the 5-25-04 Audio Website Segment: The description is wrong.The correct description follows below.I didn't have a whole lot of internet savvy when the website was put up.This was a big endeavor with all the audio which had to be changed from cassettes which were too cumbersome and outdated to use for help. I never went into the website after it was put up so as not to disturb anything, not even for the grammatical mistakes on the written part which was written at the beginning of all this.
Every now and then, the audio website is relistened to for referrals,dates, etc.,made on the emails and Blog, which is uncomfortable to say the least and avoided whenever possible.What was anyone thinking to continue,protect, and clear all this?
Particularly unnerving is rehearing the 5-25-04 segment, six and 1/2 years into the targeted  harassment and stalking, when Lori confidently taunts, 'screech sings' and taunts while 'screech singing' right up to this interior backyard six ft. shadowbox fence, 8 ft. off the pool, for hours.
5-25-04: 5-25 family fight/ 5-27 taunts and' screech singing'/ 5-17 taunts and lies/ 5-05 family fight/ 5-14,17 taunts while 'screech singing'/ There is more of this on the other segments
By that time,I had two cassette recorders ready to use, as the antics were front yard, backyard, and between the garages, so when the dates,segments were put on one tape, they were not always put in order. There was a lot of stress while this was being done.
I think that was the year, check date, that Det.Larry Hawkins and Sgt.C.Oh got joint 'Ofcs.of the Year Awards' for setting up C.O.P., with of course good PR.
'If anyone is still trying to defend the decade', think if you would want to put up with this/above for years along with everything else. cc: Web,Blog. All final editing done on the Blog. Click BLOG on the  homepage for the 08,09,10 updates/to get into  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to     follows WWW.LHPRESPONDS.BLOGSPOT.COM
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.

Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify ,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.

3-21-14.Re:Still Unanswered/Licata
3-21-14.Incoming Mayor G Troast, Mr.J.Lavisky, 
These questions haven't been answered.Also why was Circuit Court Document 01-011629 (4) disregarded by the City. This was meant to discontinue all this from happening by all parties,the S/Ws, law enforcement, and the City.The people who sanctioned and continued this did not have to hear or see all this all day.
Also, needs to be restudied or studied.Below is an email describing only one aspect stuck dealing with the Chief for three and a half years while it went on. This whole thing was too much work and expense.This email was at the end of the ninth year of all this.The wide audience emailing was started at the beginning of the ninth year of all this  to try to get help from anywhere.This is really a modern horror story. Also, after almost ten years of trying to keep the S/Ws from doing the harassing and stalking on this property, during this Licata visit, he had asked Lori outside if she trespassed and she said no and that was that.That email will be posted again.
3-16-14.Re: Email 3-15-14/Two questions/Troast/Buskirk
Mr.Lavisky, LHP City Administrator,
It's time for some answers.
You would be asking if this happened to you and your residency.
You would not be the least bit happy about putting up with all that, while paying so much and spending so much time trying to stop it all,while listening to the slandering cover up lies.The Chief got paid enough to do standard law enforcement work. Who was he listening to? Thank you.To be cont.: 
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify ,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work 
Phone call Mr. Lavisky 3-16-14
Re:3-15-14/Two questions
3-15-14.Incoming Mayor G.Troast,Incoming Commissioner K.V.Buskirk
This residency was left dangling, while the S/Ws were here and after they moved.It appears that law enforcement and the City kept this residency dangling as leverage and method.The excuse/explanation that there was nothing wrong or going on and that the S/Ws had not and were not doing anything wrong does not suffice.
(1)What laws were law enforcement and the City using to enable, protect, backup, and cover up for the S/Ws?
The duration and level of the stalking and harassment are particularly unnerving.- years of their behavior since they moved in and a decade plus of targeted stalking ande harassment
(2)What happened during then last two years the S/Ws were here when the overt and worst stalking and harassment seemed to subside considerably, although the S/Ws, still as routine, complained and threatened to start up, just by seeing us in this backyard.
There are a lot of unanswered questions. Any residency would be complaining and inquiring.
These are questions any residency would be asking.Thank you. To be cont.
9-10-08. Early evening.Chief Licata came to this residency with another Ofc.and completely floored me by saying that he had just been to the S/Ws' home, and would I meet and have a talk with the S/Ws and them. I/we had already spent hours of grueling deposition and mediation with the S/Ws,while they were still screaming, threatening, trespassing, banging on the fence,and harassing before and after,besides listening to their horrific family fights, the end result being a strong Settlement Agreement to protect us, which the city didn't honor anyway.I said I just couldn't do this on any level as I just didn't want to be that close to them or even in the same room with them,reliving the whole thing.He kept pressing this, and I said I simply just could not do that.
He said that he and the other Ofc. had talked to a lot if the neighbors and they said they were friends with and had a good relationship with the S/Ws.This seemed odd.I asked if it was the neighbors on the east of the S/Ws on the same side if the street and they said no.I asked if it was the neighbor directly across the street from the S/Ws and they said yes.We had had the standard good neighbor relationship for years, and even though they were across the street from the S/Ws ,they could still hear the horrific family fights,screaming,banging,etc.from the S/Ws for years before they targeted us, and he had tried to intercede with Mr.Starr on behalf of the new neighbors who had just moved next door on the east side of the S/W,because they were having trouble putting up with it after months,but to no avail, as that was when the S/Ws did full force what ever they wanted.
However, when the S/Ws started targeting us full force, he ignored it, even turning around and facing the other way when I drove by and said hello to someone standing right next to him, and he did not try to be friendly again until we paid over $30,000.00 to stop it, and then he wanted to be friendly, waving,etc. but I would not reciprocate,and still won't..The S/Ws and their cops are were formidable and unstoppable, but there is such a thing as being a little too cheesy in playing up to whomever has the power. The idea that this person could be in any way instrumental in this thing is ludicrous.I think,but I am not sure that the Chief had already mentioned neighbors at this sit down.I told the Chief the first sentence of this paragraph but didn't say the rest to him.
Chief Licata asked me again if I would do that sit down and I said I simply could not do it, which I can't,and he said he had tried and if I needed more help, I could just call the Sheriff's Dept.
In the middle of this, he had asked what I wanted done and I had said ,the typical, help with the harassing ,banging ,trespassing etc, which had pretty much taken care of by other means,-settlement agreement,an orange plastic fence for over 14 mos.and over 8 mos.of emailing,- the second part of that which I didn't say at the time as I was not tying to be antagonistic.I was still floored by him coming to the house with this sit down idea,even after all the time, depositions,mediation, money spent, and the settlement agreement instated
The harassment technique for yrs.of made repetitive cds,in some cases minutes and five mins.of a song over and over, high pitched noises,etc.left on outside with no one in the yard,at various volumes,deliberately, for hrs.,was not expounded on,probably due to the fiasco the evening before when the S/Ws aced it by making another lying nusience harassment call and actually playing it while the Ofc.was in their house.Not the Ofc.s fault.That the help I got with that.That cd technique is probably the last thing that the S/Ws can do and they use it to the max. No one could put up with it.
On 9-12-08,I was again really floored when I received a letter from Chief Licata, dated and postmarked 9-11-08,asking again if I would attend this sit down.This letter was very upsetting to myself and others as the letter content states that the S/Ws deny my complaints and never intended to bother me,etc. (?) .Does any one in this city pay attention to evidence,documents, and settlement agreements ? This seems to be a bit of a coincidence that this very important sitdown should take place when the issue of the S/Ws' settlement agreement violation is up front.This will eventually take place in spite of the maze to hinder it,and they really did it and they know it. Case No.01 0116239(04)Carney, injunction/settlement agreement,pg.3,G.) states that the S/Ws shall not cause the filing of a false police report.In my reply, I asked Chief Licata for a police report with the statements on it the S/Ws made to him during his investigation.
Note: The cd/tape,also radio, technique is documented on as far back as 6-28-02 and 6-29-02 and earlier. blasts radio,'ping ping' tape,and talks and chants all at once.4-8 P.M.8 yr.old in pool part of the time.fence.,backyard.Lori's big fit,a controllable act she could turn on and off usually to get out of trouble for the more overt harassment. John blames us. Excerpts.Note:After 9-11, Lori also started blasting an added genre of music and making that throaty vocal sound. blasts radio.Company,three children in pool.Recorder right next to children in pool,1-2 pool ,so children loud.Lori's radio is approx.30 ft away,backyard.1-4 P.M.,continued after 5 into evening.Excerpts.There is a 6 second repeat or overlap in the middle of this.
This behavior was sanctioned and allowed,complaints disregarded.It is continued to a lesser,still intolerable,degree to the present.This behavior was accompanied by the harassment,trespassing,screaming,threatening,banging,banging on fence,harassment patrol calls,and the horrific family fights,etc.sanctioned and allowed,complaints disregarded.
9-12-08.reply to: Chief Ross Licata,City of Lighthouse Point Police Dept.
Chief Ross Licata,
I acknowledge your investigative endeavor.
May I please have a police report with the Starr/Watras's statements to you on it?
As you know,according to Case No.01-011629(04)Carney,Injunction/Settlement Agreement,pg.3,G.),-They shall not causelthe filing of a false police report.
This endeavor should not or would not want to be misinterpreted as agenda based.
Thank you, Gail Pfistner  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.

Subject: Fw: 3-22-14.Re:The S/Ws and their Cops/The S/Ws and their City
Mayor G.Troast, Mr.J Lavisky, Commissioner K.V.Buskirk,
3-22-14.Re:The S/Ws and their Cops/The S/Ws and their City.
3-22-14. History- at the beginning,   ,Hawkins/ Oh policies, there finally was one was one arrest, disorderly-Lori, 4-3-2000,as the police had no choice as there were too many residencies calling in.The situation was horrific,daily. This residency did not call in on that one.The preceding experiences had been too grueling trying to get help. Hawkins/Oh policies.This was almost six months after the S/Ws deliberately targeted this residency.Their screaming, banging, fights as routine pattern among themselves had gone on since they moved in.This had escalated and this residency was really vulnerable as the S/Ws had just taken the this residency's property, interior border, as their own and screamed and banged there as they entered and exited their backyard fighting with each other.
The S/Ws were furious one of them had been arrested and really upped  the commotion and viciousness which scared a lot of people. And they really came after this residency. So, the police let them do it. Hawkins /Oh policies. And that's how it stayed, no matter how many many residencies complained and asked how they could be getting away with all that. No one else could. Hawkins/Oh policies.The S/Ws' pattern was deliberate, planned and varied to daily harass. And they really targeted, harassed,and stalked this residency And wouldn't even stay off the property while doing it.For years and years.The S/Ws, mad about the disorderly, hired Atty. Robert Yates.He was a real see through, razzle dazzle, type of annoying, persistent, wanna win no matter what, low substance Attorney. He also did some protective police work.It seemed as though the police were playing up to him instead of helping residencies in their City. And the police definitely weren't helping this residency which was really getting pounded daily. Hawkins/Oh policies. After five and a half years I went to the Commissioners.
How the City and the Chief handled the mess has been well documented, mostly continue it and try to cover it up.
The S/Ws moved the end of Dec.2011, actually Jan.2012, sale final.The Circuit Court Document was in effect only if the S/Ws were living next door.The S/Ws violated every part of that Document with law enforcement and City protection, and gloated they could and would.The S/Ws from the beginning gloated and taunted the entire time they could get away with what they were doing which was noticeably and obviously horrific. And they did.
So the S/Ws moved with no Violations and no Violation processes which were meant to stop them, protected and covered by law enforcement and City.That Document took the situation away from local police and put it into the county system.The S/Ws violated every part of that Document. However, it required a police report,a complaint from this residency.
The S/Ws had not and were not doing anything wrong. Law enforcement and City policy. Before and after the County Document.The S/W were enabled, protected, and covered up by local law enforcement and the City.Try getting past that.Try working with that. Try getting the S/Ws to stop harassing and stalking with that.  
Enough said. All this has already been emailed and blogged, over and over.
This has been an incredibly dirty, juvenile,and belligerent mess. 

It is important for new and newer people to know what happened.

And that might take some studying, not just listening to anybody saying anything with an agenda to cover up.To be cont.  Click BLOG on the homepage to get to 
All final editing done on the BLOG. All emails' standard ending. If it weren't for the wide audience emailing started in the beginning of the ninth year of all this, the only thing that worked,works.....................The situation remains unresolved.
Please be reminded, trying to lie about, vilify,blame,or slander this residency to try to cover up the mess law enforcement and the City made out of this, won't be tolerated and won't work.

Three Unanswered Questions- The First Two in the last emails and the Addition of why the Circuit Court Document was disregarded and thwarted by law enforcement and the City.To be cont.